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Medical Virology Group DUTH 

The main research interest of the group is the molecular and cell biology of virus-host interactions. The Group has a long-standing interest in RNA biology and the modulation of RNA virus lifecycle by post-transcriptional regulators. Research focuses on

  1. Hepatitis C molecular pathology and the mechanism of HCV pathogenesis in vivo through modulation of cell pathways by HCV proteins. The aim is to understand differences in HCV pathology through genetic variability of viral proteins.   
    Funded by IKY Research grant and Bodossaki Foundation (2015-2017)

  2. West Nile virus molecular pathology and neurospecific determinants of WNV replication. The aim is to characterize neuronal factors that support neuronal viral replication and contribute to viral neurotropism towards rational vaccine design.
    Funded by Fondation Santé Research grant (2018-2020)

  3. Vectors’ and Vector-borne pathogens’ molecular identification of both medical and veterinary interest. The aim is to develop an unbiased methodology of combined vector and pathogen identification.
    Funded by EPAnEK Operational Programme (2018-2021)

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